Miscellaneous, Raphael Holinshed

1. 1577 Raphael Holinshed (d. 1580?), The firste [laste] volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande conteyning the description and chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest : the description and chronicles of Scotland, from the first original of the Scottes nation till the yeare of our Lorde 1571 : the description and chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the first originall of that nation untill the yeare 1571. At London: Imprinted for Iohn Hunne, 1577. THE HISTORIE of Englande. Maximianus, or rather Maximus (page unnumbered) ‘And pitie it is, that theyr fame shoulde bee brought by suche meanes out of credite by the incredible and fonde fables whyche haue bin deuised of their actes so vnlike to be true, as the tales of Robin Hood, or the iestes written by Ariost the Italian in his booke entituled Orlando Furioso.’


2. 1587 Raphael Holinshed (d. 1580?), The first and second volumes of Chronicles. [vol. 3 (i.e. The Third Volume of Chronicles)] comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes. [[London]: Finished in Ianuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas VVoodcocke. At London printed [by Henry Denham] in Aldersgate street at the signe of the Starre, [1587]]. Henrie the eight, sonne and successor to Henrie the seuenth.

  • …lieng at Gréenewich,[Edw. Hall in Hen. 8. fol lvj. Robin hood and his tw hundred men present the ] …
  • …ds, and bowes and arrowes, to the number of two hundred. Then one of them, which called himselfe Robin hood, came to the king, desiring him to sée his men shoot; and the king was content. Then he whi …
  • … were of the kings gard, and had thus apparelled themselues to make solace to the king. / Then Robin hood desired the king and quéene to come into the greene wood, and to sée how the outlawes li / …
  • …erie well made and couered with floures & swéet hearbs, which the king much praised. Then said Robin hood; Sir, outlawes breakefasts is venison, and therefore you must be content with such fare as …
  • … such fare as we vse. Then the king and quéene sat downe, and were serued with venison and wine by Robin hood and his men, to their great contentation. / Then the king departed and his companie, / …
  • … hood and his men, to their great contentation. / Then the king departed and his companie, and Robin hood and his men them conducted; and as they were /


3. 1587 Raphael Holinshed (d. 1580?), The first and second volumes of Chronicles. [vol. 1] comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes. [[London] : Finished in Ianuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas VVoodcocke. At London printed [by Henry Denham] in Aldersgate street at the signe of the Starre, [1587]]. THE FOVRTH BOOKE of the Historie of England (page 69) ‘And pitie it is, that their fame should be brought by such meanes out of credit, by the incredible and fond fables which haue béene deuised of their acts so vnlike to be true, as the tales of Robin Hood, or the gests written by Ariost the Italian in his booke intituled Orlando furioso’.


4. 1587 Raphael Holinshed (d. 1580?), The first and second volumes of Chronicles. [vol. 2] comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes. [[London] : Finished in Ianuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas VVoodcocke. At London printed [by Henry Denham] in Aldersgate street at the signe of the Starre, [1587]]. THE HISTORIE OF Scotland. Lawes made by king Makbeth set foorth according to Hector Boetius. ‘Boetius hath written) that notable and most famous outlaw Robin [Robin Hood and little Iohn his companion.] Hood liued, with his fellow little Iohn, of whome ar …’


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