Robin Whood Turned Hermit, Francis Peck


To Depe-Dale come, most wisely Robin Whood,
Surveys each Nook and Corner of the Wood
At length he finds a lonely rocky cell,
And in Devotion there resolves to dwell.
There he grows wise and for his Patron taks
The Thief repentant, and him thus bespaks
Happy Robin Whood! Happy Robin Whood!
O thou, who didst upon the Cross repent
Teach me, as thou didst, strongly to repent
If e’er again I should my Crimes forget,
Help me, bless’d Saint, that Falling to regret,
Could I, as thou did’st, hear my Savior’s Voice,
This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.
Happy Robin Whood! Happy Robin Whood!